Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Speech That Bored His Son to Sleep.

Donald Trump gave his victory speech about the 2016 election on November 9th in New York. This was a late one, as you can tell by Baron, Donald's son nodding off and hardly being able to stay awake. I think Donald overall had a very real victory speech even though it was not very effective. He spoke on "bringing the parties together even the independents", he asked for help and guidance from his opposition. Almost as to say, "your candidate lost so might as well talk to me" to the rest of the country of Hillary supporters. On top of all of that, he talked about renewing the American dream, fixing inner cities, having a "great economic plan that will double our growth" and never settling for anything less for the best in America again. He does a great job of going through a laundry list of people to thank for his victory, and this is where he made his first mistake.

Old Donald thanked basically everyone under the sun except for his Vice President and running mate Mike Pence who is standing less than 10 feet away from the President. Well he actually squeaked in a "and thank you Mike Pence" as he was walking away at 14:50 of a 15 minute 22 second long speech 😂. That is just a small thing Donald failed to do. Mainly where he flopped was him saying things that later turned out to be blatant lies and he never followed through with. He says he is "Excited to work with nations willing to get along with us" alluding to Russia and China, Donald also talked about his "enormous support" from people of all races, religions and genders. Lol. Alright Donny. The biggest mistake Donald made in my opinion was when he got so personal about him being in contact with the Clinton campaign after the win. He was literally running his platform around sending this women to prison for life if he gets elected and now he's all buddy buddy with her.

If I was his campaign advisor I would have told him to keep this speech quick and to the point, obviously this is his victory speech so he had to be up there for awhile. It just felt like he said more things that turned out to hurt him later like saying "Americans of all race, religion and gender will not be forgotten" and his stance on LGBTQ has not moved an inch. Meanwhile he is trying to "Ban" a whole religion of people and a whole country from ours. He should have talked about how he is going to free up some funding from the people in the private sector so he can start helping every day tax payers like us and called it a day.


  1. I think this blog post was very well written. I agree with you that this was one of Trump's better speeches only because he stayed politically correct. This speech was a victory speech, in which he said everything he was suppose to say. He usually goes off on a limb but this speech was very calculated. I agree with you on Trump getting all buddy buddy. I also thought he should have stuck with his attitude toward her that he had during the campaign season. This move showed that Trump was willing to do (even lie) anything he could to become President.

  2. I liked this. The Pence thing is super awkward. And on the bit where you talked about him blatantly lying... yeah, I mean, what did we expect. 'Alright Donny' is right. I agree that it should have been kept brief, after all, that is his style.

  3. I like the picture you posted in this blog it fits in well with the speech Trump gave. I agree with you that the speech was a little long and could have been shorted to emphasize the main points of his campaign and victory. I think a reason Barron Trump struggled to stay awake is not necessary because the speech was long and boring, its because it was 3 am in the morning and he's a 10 year old kid. Most 10 year old kids would struggle to stay up late, even if their father won the presidential election and gave a late night speech.
