Thursday, February 9, 2017

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Donald’s major strength in his campaign this year was the fact that he was not affiliated with either party when he entered the race and had no political experience. People of the US are sick of being lied to by politicians that say they have our best interests in mind, yet still manage to only line their pockets while average citizens still struggle. I think Donald tried to highlight his strength by giving everyone of his opponents a demeaning nick name like “Crooked Hillary” and “Little Marco” for Marco Rubio. He tried to overplay their political lives while down playing his actual hidden agenda the entire campaign. 

Weaknesses: His major weakness was the tapes that leaked of him saying less than appropriate things about women and objectifying them in quite possibly the worst way he could have. 

Opportunity: Like I said before, him not being "in the pocket" of either political side really had people believing that things would not turn out the exact same way they have in years to come. I don't have much hope but maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.

Threats: I think his biggest threat in years to come will be the women of America who are willing to fight for a better president or a person with a better view of the opposite sex. (as seen in this photo, I would imagine this is the feeling most women get when listening to Donald speak)


    Donald has a very interesting take on a lot of situations and issues. I think he highlighted immigration, abortion and healthcare the most in his campaign, even though he really STILL has yet to release a healthcare plan. He repealed Obamacare and now there are millions and millions of people in the US who had healthcare before but now that he ended Obamacare, are in healthcare limbo until a new plan comes out. I think Donald should have focused more on Social Security as opposed to building a massive wall in-between us and Mexico to keep “criminals” out. His other views on Syrian refugee’s being a Trojan horse is rather outlandish and he wasted valuable campaign time and tax payer dollars to address this topic.

    The two biggest players I saw in Trump’s campaign team were Kellyanne Conway (pictured) as Campaign Manager and Steve Bannon (pictured) as Executive chairmen. Steve Bannon was the CEO of Breitbart news which is one of the biggest conservative news networks in the world. Appointing Bannon basically gives Donald a solid lock on news media being in a favorable light for him before anyone else can report. Kellyanne played a huge role this campaign and became the poster child for the Donald Trump campaign. Other than the responsibilities of being campaign manager she is a well know pro-lifer, she is the highest ranking woman in the white house. I think Trump needs her on his side due to his terrible past with women and such slanderous things he has said about women as a whole. 



  1. I like that you have an opportunity for Trump as him not truly belonging to either party. I never really though of it in this aspect that even though he declared Republican he may not have those views. I think it will be interesting to see how that may affect his decisions as president. I think you did a good job including the issues that may arise as we move forward was well.

  2. It's interesting Trump would have a female as his campaign manager considering his views/remarks towards women. You'd think she'd set him straight, but there may still be hope while in the White House. I think many like that he has no political ties as he is a new refreshing candidate, but that is a scary fact considering the state this country is in. Overall, great analysis!
