Wednesday, February 1, 2017

        Donald John Trump is a man from Queens, New York and just became the 45th President of the United State of America. He was born in the 40's and was born into a family that made their name in real estate, and construction. We had a big family and was one of five children. His father's business specialized in building middle class apartment living in a developing New York City. When Donald was young he was sent to a military school and excelled in almost everything he could do. He eventually graduated from the military academy and went to University of Pennsylvania and got a degree in economics. 
        It is safe to say that Donald did everything he could to position himself to take over his father's company when he grew older. He gained control of the family business in 1971 and immediately changed the name to "The Trump Organization". He started to became his own person in the eyes of the world. After decades of hit or miss deals that landed him his even more insane fortune, he became a television actor and became the star of "The Apprentice". That was when the media and the general population of the country became familiar with Donald Trump and his past. He has no experience politically or anything to do with the political arena on his record. I honestly do not think this man is qualified to be president of the USA. His campaign in 2016 to become President was one of the most polarizing campaigns we've seen in years. Instead of paying for advertising, he stirred up so much controversy in just his word that the media couldn't keep their eyes off of him. His biggest draw to the average American voter was that he didn't have any political experience. People we're sick of electing presidents with hidden agenda's, presidents that were in the pocket of super PAC's to pass certain legislation and so forth.  

        I'd say his public image is incredibly bad right now, I cannot log onto the internet or social media without seeing somebody speaking negatively about him as a person or about the future of the country as a whole with him in office. The public hates this man more than anybody I have ever seen in recent history. The video I posted above is a .Gif of Donald licking up the tears of a young woman crying... Although this is a rather funny video it is a very harsh reality. People do not like him as President. I have heard death threats, people saying he won't last four years because someone will kill him. He's been called a misogynistic pig, a xenophobic monster, a megalomaniac and even narcissistic child. Those are just the names I heard frequently about the man who is already in office and already signing executive orders. Trump should try to play nice with every single person in the country if he hopes to achieve a better approval rating or ever be taken seriously again by the people of our country.


  1. That is fairly accurate about Trump's current public image. It's not just the internet though, even if you turn on the television you're bound to see something come up that mentions or references the Donald.

    Also, I agree that he should tone it down with the rhetoric if he wants to gain popularity. However, he's been in the political atmosphere for roughly two years now and if he hasn't by this point chances are he's not ever going to.

    Oh and by the way, phenomenal GIF! Made me laugh.

  2. I enjoyed your Youtube video of a gif, retro, yet fitting. I also agree with you on the polarizing nature of his campaign, it's astounding that someone can win the most prestigious office of the United States on the public's perception that less experience is better.

  3. I do agree with you that our President needs to have a better approval rating and public image. It is also important to keep in mind that both candidates had the lowest ever approval ratings of candidates in both parties of all time.
    Instead of focusing on how much better Obama was or how much better of a job Hillary would have done, or how to get him impeached or how to make fun of him I think it is important as a Nation to come together and understand that he is our president. The death threats, the name calling and negativity should not be done towards our president nor people who speak out for him or against him. I think this election showed us how important it is to vote and be apart of the decisions we are given. If you feel strongly about a situation it is your duty to get out and stand up for that. It has also brought to my attention the role that media plays in selecting candidates and publicizing them.
