Thursday, February 23, 2017


      The debate I chose to analyze for this blog was the second Presidential debate between Trump and Clinton on October 9th, 2016. I chose to pick the 27:35-35:00 minute section during this debate because this time in the video is when you get to truly see Donald's debate style. Donald does a great job of telling us that Obamacare is terrible "We know it, he knows it" and says that he will be repealing and replacing it with something much less expensive. Some things Donald did poorly was explaining the plan that he plans to replace Obamacare with; another thing was failing to actually answer the question of how he plans on "De-funding Obamacare while making coverage available to all". Those two things are such are so contradictory that it almost makes my head spin hearing that sentence. Another thing Donald did that hurt him in my opinion was talk so nonchalantly about how "bad Islamic people are at reporting when they see something going on". Talking about a whole culture being on watch for their own culture to be committing crimes makes people feel like they are criminals themselves for sharing that religion. People hold religion up to the highest standards and I feel like Trump made himself look very close minded and weak by bashing a group of peoples religion so blatantly.

      If I had any say in this debate I would tell Donald to maybe have a plan when talking about a healthcare plan you want to implement... not just say that it exists while not saying it's name or saying a single detail about the healthcare plan. I would also tell Donald to pick his battles carefully so he doesn't seem like such a panderer or flip flopper. Another thing that couldn't hurt Donald to talk about would maybe be his Education plan and how he plans to keep educating our youth while not bankrupting the country. Maybe also talk about his plan on what to do with international relations without talking to China or Russia. I'm not sure if it is possible for Donald to leave China out of anything so I doubt they'll be left behind. This debate I will admit was one of the more childish debates we watched in this election cycle. It was chalk full of the candidates cutting each other off, going over time, dodging questions and making subtle comments about the other candidate. In honor of this debate being so childish I am going to post photos of my favorite new internet meme, Tiny Trump.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Speech That Bored His Son to Sleep.

Donald Trump gave his victory speech about the 2016 election on November 9th in New York. This was a late one, as you can tell by Baron, Donald's son nodding off and hardly being able to stay awake. I think Donald overall had a very real victory speech even though it was not very effective. He spoke on "bringing the parties together even the independents", he asked for help and guidance from his opposition. Almost as to say, "your candidate lost so might as well talk to me" to the rest of the country of Hillary supporters. On top of all of that, he talked about renewing the American dream, fixing inner cities, having a "great economic plan that will double our growth" and never settling for anything less for the best in America again. He does a great job of going through a laundry list of people to thank for his victory, and this is where he made his first mistake.

Old Donald thanked basically everyone under the sun except for his Vice President and running mate Mike Pence who is standing less than 10 feet away from the President. Well he actually squeaked in a "and thank you Mike Pence" as he was walking away at 14:50 of a 15 minute 22 second long speech 😂. That is just a small thing Donald failed to do. Mainly where he flopped was him saying things that later turned out to be blatant lies and he never followed through with. He says he is "Excited to work with nations willing to get along with us" alluding to Russia and China, Donald also talked about his "enormous support" from people of all races, religions and genders. Lol. Alright Donny. The biggest mistake Donald made in my opinion was when he got so personal about him being in contact with the Clinton campaign after the win. He was literally running his platform around sending this women to prison for life if he gets elected and now he's all buddy buddy with her.

If I was his campaign advisor I would have told him to keep this speech quick and to the point, obviously this is his victory speech so he had to be up there for awhile. It just felt like he said more things that turned out to hurt him later like saying "Americans of all race, religion and gender will not be forgotten" and his stance on LGBTQ has not moved an inch. Meanwhile he is trying to "Ban" a whole religion of people and a whole country from ours. He should have talked about how he is going to free up some funding from the people in the private sector so he can start helping every day tax payers like us and called it a day.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Donald’s major strength in his campaign this year was the fact that he was not affiliated with either party when he entered the race and had no political experience. People of the US are sick of being lied to by politicians that say they have our best interests in mind, yet still manage to only line their pockets while average citizens still struggle. I think Donald tried to highlight his strength by giving everyone of his opponents a demeaning nick name like “Crooked Hillary” and “Little Marco” for Marco Rubio. He tried to overplay their political lives while down playing his actual hidden agenda the entire campaign. 

Weaknesses: His major weakness was the tapes that leaked of him saying less than appropriate things about women and objectifying them in quite possibly the worst way he could have. 

Opportunity: Like I said before, him not being "in the pocket" of either political side really had people believing that things would not turn out the exact same way they have in years to come. I don't have much hope but maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.

Threats: I think his biggest threat in years to come will be the women of America who are willing to fight for a better president or a person with a better view of the opposite sex. (as seen in this photo, I would imagine this is the feeling most women get when listening to Donald speak)


    Donald has a very interesting take on a lot of situations and issues. I think he highlighted immigration, abortion and healthcare the most in his campaign, even though he really STILL has yet to release a healthcare plan. He repealed Obamacare and now there are millions and millions of people in the US who had healthcare before but now that he ended Obamacare, are in healthcare limbo until a new plan comes out. I think Donald should have focused more on Social Security as opposed to building a massive wall in-between us and Mexico to keep “criminals” out. His other views on Syrian refugee’s being a Trojan horse is rather outlandish and he wasted valuable campaign time and tax payer dollars to address this topic.

    The two biggest players I saw in Trump’s campaign team were Kellyanne Conway (pictured) as Campaign Manager and Steve Bannon (pictured) as Executive chairmen. Steve Bannon was the CEO of Breitbart news which is one of the biggest conservative news networks in the world. Appointing Bannon basically gives Donald a solid lock on news media being in a favorable light for him before anyone else can report. Kellyanne played a huge role this campaign and became the poster child for the Donald Trump campaign. Other than the responsibilities of being campaign manager she is a well know pro-lifer, she is the highest ranking woman in the white house. I think Trump needs her on his side due to his terrible past with women and such slanderous things he has said about women as a whole. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

        Donald John Trump is a man from Queens, New York and just became the 45th President of the United State of America. He was born in the 40's and was born into a family that made their name in real estate, and construction. We had a big family and was one of five children. His father's business specialized in building middle class apartment living in a developing New York City. When Donald was young he was sent to a military school and excelled in almost everything he could do. He eventually graduated from the military academy and went to University of Pennsylvania and got a degree in economics. 
        It is safe to say that Donald did everything he could to position himself to take over his father's company when he grew older. He gained control of the family business in 1971 and immediately changed the name to "The Trump Organization". He started to became his own person in the eyes of the world. After decades of hit or miss deals that landed him his even more insane fortune, he became a television actor and became the star of "The Apprentice". That was when the media and the general population of the country became familiar with Donald Trump and his past. He has no experience politically or anything to do with the political arena on his record. I honestly do not think this man is qualified to be president of the USA. His campaign in 2016 to become President was one of the most polarizing campaigns we've seen in years. Instead of paying for advertising, he stirred up so much controversy in just his word that the media couldn't keep their eyes off of him. His biggest draw to the average American voter was that he didn't have any political experience. People we're sick of electing presidents with hidden agenda's, presidents that were in the pocket of super PAC's to pass certain legislation and so forth.  

        I'd say his public image is incredibly bad right now, I cannot log onto the internet or social media without seeing somebody speaking negatively about him as a person or about the future of the country as a whole with him in office. The public hates this man more than anybody I have ever seen in recent history. The video I posted above is a .Gif of Donald licking up the tears of a young woman crying... Although this is a rather funny video it is a very harsh reality. People do not like him as President. I have heard death threats, people saying he won't last four years because someone will kill him. He's been called a misogynistic pig, a xenophobic monster, a megalomaniac and even narcissistic child. Those are just the names I heard frequently about the man who is already in office and already signing executive orders. Trump should try to play nice with every single person in the country if he hopes to achieve a better approval rating or ever be taken seriously again by the people of our country.