Friday, April 14, 2017

Agenda Setting

When I used the way back machine to go back and look at Donald Trump's website looking for issues he wanted to focus on, it was easy to find. There was a massive page dedicated to just what I saw looking for. It was so large actually I needed to take two screen shots of it to fit on this blog. 

Many of you may be surprised to see that Immigration Reform is on the bottom of the list. Among other obvious ones like Healthcare Reform, International Trade, Taxes and taking care of our Veteran's. When I was asked to compare Trump's stance on issues to someone in his party running against him I chose Rand Paul. He is just about as opposite to Donald Trump as you can get other than Jeb Bush, but Bush has too much shadow political motives for my liking due to his last name.

The list of issues that Rand decided to focus was Debt, NSA, taxes and getting all the power out of the hands of The Federal Reserve. I honestly really like Rand's policies and stances more than Donald's. Rand is focusing on the issues that the population of the USA wants to see change as opposed to Trump who is more in line with the changes that Washington wants to see change. Rand is the son of Ron Paul who is notorious for his very opinionated personality and although he is some what radical, his son Rand is much more level headed.

When I did a google News search for Immigration reform and health care reform I saw all "right wing" articles for healthcare and I saw all "left wing" articles for immigration. People seem to be angry that we do not have a replacement for Obama Care yet. They aren't mad that Obama Care was reformed, they're mainly mad that the man who is the reason for it disappearing doesn't have a successful alternative yet.

I personally think the media is setting the agenda. The media seems to be rather "outraged" by Trump getting elected and this is why I think they want to control what people see. When people turn on their TV's and log onto the computer, they are vulnerable to persuasion which us why I believe they are trying to get a little power back.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think any way you go about it one can find evidence of which party is the sending the agenda. In terms of the healthcare replacement gap, it shouldn't be as surprising to anyone that the republicans (Trump) do not have a solid plan to overhaul healthcare because it took the Obama Administration 7+ years to implement his. Even then there were issues enrolling.

  3. I agree that the media is telling the public what to care about. Since most of the public relies on mainstream media for their news and media outlets rely on views, the media outlets cover what they think the public is going to care about. The media controls what pay attention to.
