Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Advertising Strategy

The First ad I decided to use was not necessarily released by the Trump campaign but it is without a doubt some of the best clips I have seen of Hillary Clinton; She is going against what she said in her platform and throughout her run for President and it is involving outsourcing jobs. This is a perfect example of both an issue ad and an attack ad at the same time. The country is in a very difficult time right now where good jobs are hard to come by if any at all. In the video, it is 2005 and Hillary is talking about she couldn't ever imagine "effectively restricting" outsourcing and calls it "inevitable".  She not only received money from India but she also got a $5,000,000 from one of the businessmen in the room that day. Although this video is over 10 years old I personally do not believe people change so I would not be surprised if we did not see a change in the employment rate had she been elected.

This next ad is another perfect example of an attack ad directed towards Hillary's past in politics but it is also an uplifitng candidate-positive message about Donald Trump. The ad blames Hillary's 30 years in politics directly for taxes being raised, terrorism increasing and jobs vanishing from our citizens. Although some of this may be true; Hillary Clinton would only have helped the situation moving foward towards what the ad says. She is not solely responsible for any of those things happening like the video implies. The second half of the ad talks about "Real change" from Trump and how a vote for Hillary is a vote for more of the same we've had in the past. On the other hand a vote for Trump is a vote to "Make America Great Again" and to turn Washington upside-down.

The Pro trump, image ad that the Trump organization released was the most effective in my opinion, only because attack ads seem to be losing their effectiveness to me. I think the Trump campaign went for a different approach with this ad because they had Donald himself narrating the whole time. They show photos of Trump supporters when he is speaking highly of himself; and show politicians such as Obama, Hillary and others in the summit in Paris saying that "They don't have your best interest in mind". He highlights trade being an issue like NAFTA and TPP while showing the people who were in office at the time of these agreeements being signed and who are to blame for our economic issues we face today. Donald does a good job of showing the faces of many American citizens and emphasizes our power as the American people so we can make the changes we need to see.


  1. I completely agree with your take on how negative ads are not as effective anymore. To me I can't help but say to myself consider the source of course Trump is going to bash Hillary and vice versa. It is only natural to want to show your opponent in a bad light to help your own cause so personally I don't take negative ads for there word.

  2. I think the first ad does effectively show how Clinton is changing her views from 2005 to now, but that happens. I don't see it necessarily as a bad thing, but influences do change opinions especially with how times have changed since then. It's to no surprise that Trump would attack Clinton is a lot of his ads by the fact that it is what he enjoys to do. These were good ads that Ive never even seen before!

  3. After reading other blogs and seeing other ideas i like yours a lot about how negative ads arent as effective as they used to be. Its getting old with the lashing back and forth of candidates or going out of their way to make the other side look worse than their own.
